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  1. F

    75hp evinrude innermittent firing on no.1 cylinder

    have 1984 75hp evinrude outboard that the no. 1 cylinder has spark sometimes and sometimes not. have checked plugs and coils, no problem found their. could the problem possibly be a powerpack or stator going out?
  2. F

    35hp Johnson Crankshaft seal on lower end (opposite of flywheel).

    When viewing the parts breakdown @, 1976 35hp Johnson model # 35E76G under crankshaft and pistons there are 2 seals on the lower end of the crankshaft. (12) part # (0319664) and (11) crankcase head and seal plate part# (0386450). My question is are they the same seal? Does (11) have...
  3. F

    1976 johnson 35hp thermostat needed for proper cooling water flow?

    I have seen where thermostats were removed in the attempt to allow engines to run cooler, especially when encountering overheating problems. I am of the opinion that they were designed in for a reason and should not be removed or left out. Still the question remains, does the removal of the...