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  1. N

    Johnson 140 4 stroke (Suzuki) water pressure

    Anybody knows what the psi should be at wot? Also where should I tap into if I want to install a water pressure gauge? Thank you in advance!
  2. N

    RPM range question

    A friend of mine just pick up an used boat with a 1995 Johnson 60HP ( I think its call Seahorse) and would like to know what's the optimal rpm range so he can start playing with different props. Any infos will be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance!
  3. N

    Turning Point Props?

    Did anybody had tried the "Turning Point" Props?<br /><br />I am looking to purchase one Express Stainless Steel and would love to hear any feedback from user.<br /><br />Thank you in advance!
  4. N

    Turning Point Props?

    Did anybody had tried the "Turning Point" Props?<br /><br />I am looking to purchase one Express Stainless Steel and would love to hear any feedback from user.<br /><br />Thank you in advance!
  5. N

    Force overheating...Help please!!!!

    It's a 89 Force 50hp,I have replaced the impeller and it runs great at low speed but at WOT the motor is really hot and according to the repair manual there is a presure relieve valve but I can't seems to locate it.I have removed the port side exhaust cover can find it!<br /><br />Any info will...