Search results

  1. C

    Is this a sucker's deal?

    I know this boat is old, but I do seem to gravitate towards Glastron and a few others so I've been looking at any and all ads for the types I like visually. What I don't understand is, if this boat is in good condition and only needs a motor then why doesn't this guy just do that stuff himself...
  2. C

    Any feedback on this boat?

    I like this boat. This guy says it runs and he last took it out this April. We live in a town with a big lake so water test should be no problem. It just looks pretty good for 975 dollars so I am apprehensive. Of course none of ya'll can tell me whether or not it's a deal based on some...
  3. C

    New boat buyer seeking advice!

    Hey ya'll- I am wondering if I could get some advice on buyer/seller protocol? I've never owned a boat before, but I am really ready to have one of my own. I don't require anything fancy, just something that runs well. I have no problem with a small project, and I take instruction well...
  4. C

    texas maid

    I am thinking about buying a 1959 texas maid. The owner says it's in good condition except for some small leaks. He wants to lay down some "tar" to fix this. Says it has some possible loose rivets also. I'm wondering how common it is for transom rot on these boats, and would him laying down...