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  1. D

    Minnkota 101/sonar

    Does the sbove have an internal fuse?
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    Minnkota 101/sonar

    The trolling will not run.bulitin sonar works and voltage to motor is ok.there is some corrison on housing but the prop. Turns by hand.the unit is 6 years and never had a problems. Has anyone has this happen and how can I fix it.
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    Minnkota 101/sonar

    Sonar works.motor doesn.t.corrision on hosing near
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    water leaking out of high spped diafram

    Can water be sucked in oil reservior through vacum hose? DN
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    1986 mercury carbon on plug

    My engine misses out at steady throttle. Wide open it sounds ok. One plug has carbon on it so I deep creeped the carbs. I chekced plug again and it looks like it has carbon on it.Any ideas why it misses out at steady increase? Thanks, DN
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    deep creep

    I used deep creep in my carbs and know it sputters at take off and runs ok at full throttle. Does anybody know what causes this? thanks, dale
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    loss of power 1986 175 black max

    I put 1 new power pack on and it still won't go over 1800 rpm. It idles and starts fine. Has any one had a similar problem? thanks, Dale