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  1. S

    behind the prop help

    hope this the right area but their is a fin that cuts the water behind the prop and the very bottom tip has broken off at least 3 inches wide and 3 inches down is their a way of attaching a new tip the previous owner must have dropped it or dragged it is a 1967 50 hp merc. 2 stroke..and is...
  2. S

    setting up the remote control

    i have a 50 hp 1968 merc500el and having trouble setting the linkage on the remote controls anyone have videos or advise that would be helpful pleeeeaaassseeee and carborator help
  3. S

    how to set the linkage on a remote control on a 1967 merc.outboard

    hello guys can you help me to know how to set the remote control liknkage on the 50 hp merc outboard it is a 1967 500 el it is driving me crazy can anyone steer me in the right direction..i need to take it open but dont know how to turn the links and set the handle correctly.....thanks in...
  4. S

    help with flushing a johnson 55 hp outboard please

    hi peeps..i hope you can help me am a newbie and this is my first boat and havinfg some flooding problems with this motor so i am wanting to work on land with flushing muffs but have read my instruction on my universal muffs but there looks like their are two intakes on this motor above the prop...