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  1. B

    Trim tab installation over bottom paint

    Hope all is well, I plan to install a set of trim tabs on my 1996 Maxum 2300 SC. The instructions say to apply marine sealant (3M 5200, which I question if 4200 will be good enough, so it can be removed in the future if needed) in the screw holes and between the hinge plate and gel coat. The...
  2. B

    Mercruiser 3.7 Pertronix issue

    Hello all, I have a 1988 Mercruiser 3.7 engine with a Delco distributor. Last September, I replaced the points / coil with an electronic Pertronix Ignitor II (91146A) and Flame Thrower II 0.6 Ohm coil (45111). I installed it per figure 1 in the instructions. The resistor has been removed...
  3. B

    Mercruiser 3.7 points continue to fail

    Hey guys. These forums have help me multiple times, however this is my first post. I have a 1988 Mercruiser 3.7 with an issue with the points. I've had terrible luck with these. One day I decided to change the points / condenser / cap / rotor for preventative maintenance using a kit from...