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  1. W

    Boat trailer wiring with surge brakes, whats the blue wire for ?

    06 Continental ..My trailer has disk brakes and is a surge type. What does the blue wire do. Where does it get hooked up. Its not electronic brakes that require a unit under the dash like big travel trailer. Thanks, WHALER78
  2. W

    05 90 hp Yamaha / whats the proper proceadure for topping off the trim& tilt system

    05 90 hp Yamaha / whats the proper proceadure for topping off the trim& tilt system Hi, i have a 04 90 HP Yamaha and would like to know the procedure of topping off the trim and tilt system. Was told to use auto trans fluid, is that right. I have done it years ago and i think it has to be done...