Search results

  1. D

    No getup and go

    Hope someone can HELP!! I have a 1984 85hp. It idles good and I can go slow but as soon as I open it up, it will die for the first few times.<br />Then when I get it going it won't plan out. After playing with it (go and stop several times.) I start planning out and everything is good. Also when...
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    color codes

    Does anyone have info on the color code. It's <br />one of them things that tell you what color you should be fishing with. And before everyone starts<br />to make up all kinds of jokes. NO, IT'S NOT MINE. I'm just looking up info for a friend.<br /> THANKS FOR ANY HELP & JOKES
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    kentucky fishing?!?

    anybody doing any fishing around kentucky?<br />been fishing a rough river bass fishing o.k. with<br />plastics. need to night fish.
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    Need help with year and splark plugs on Chrysler 85 hp.<br />Mod: 858H4H
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    Hi, just found this site and I hope someone can help. I have a 1987 85hp Chrysler and I do not know what plugs to put in and the gap. I have called two boat places and got two different answers.<br /> Plus, when I go full speed the boat starts to plane but it will not plane out. At the end of...