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  1. C

    Chris Craft Pennies

    Re: Chris Craft Pennies Great information everyone. Thanks for the insight. I wanted to post the penny pic yesterday but was too busy.
  2. C

    Chris Craft Pennies

    My title says I have a 16 foot 1970 Chris Craft Runabout. I can't find a pic of another anywhere. I crawled under the dash and embedded in the glass was two pennies from 1969. Does anybody know of the builders putting pennies for year identification on these boats? Also was Hildula Enterprises...
  3. C

    1972 Johnson 25 Jerks

    I'm a noobie in the outboard world and have a couple questions about my Johnson 25 horse. The motor fires up by the second pull and idles great. I'm pull starting because when I try the electric start the solenoid clicks but the starter doesn't kick on. Ocassionally the starter will come up and...