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    Chrysler 18 spline hub

    My favorite prop suffered a spun hub last year. Is there a source for a replacement hub for these older ('73) Chrysler props?
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    ground terminals inside distributor

    What is the purpose of the ground terminals in between the spark plug terminals in an old mallory point type distributor?
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    Eska powerhead swap

    Will a model 1705 Eska 5 h.p. powerhead swap with a model 1185 Eska 5 h.p.? The 1705 is a 643-19a and the 1185 is a 642-01a. Thanks.
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    Spun hub

    I have a '73 85hp Chrysler outboard with 18 spline prop shaft and non exhaust prop that the hub spun in. Can it be rehubbed? Thanks.