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  1. F

    Bundy ???

    Has any one ever heard of a Bundy or Bundy marine. All I can find is the info on motor. Made in Italy. This was a give-me that no one else wanted to restore to running cond. I made a head gasket out of .062 copper sheet.But have Elec. problems.<br />And no electrical apptitude.<br /><br />...
  2. F

    what year is my merc.

    I have a 22 h.p. twin, iekhaefer mercury, searial # 1457196 need to buy lower seal and impeler.
  3. F

    iekhaefer mercury 22h.p. twin

    looking for info on this motor searial #is 1457196 can any one tell me what year this is? I need a impeller and lower seal. <br /><br />------------------