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    aquameter tachometer

    hello i have an aquameter model #250 tach that doesn't work. anybody know of a way to test it or a place i can buy a new one. its on a glastron ssv151 with a 70 hp johnson. thanks for your help
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    aquameter tachometer

    anybody know if there is a way to check if the tach is bad? my tach is not working and not to sure how to check it. I've been trying to find a new one but to no avail the original is an aquameter model # 250. any help is appreciated
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    86 johnson 70 hp vro

    i have a vro problem i believe. the boat starts up ok smokes pretty bad though. and in the water it will not plane out up to speed without pressing in the key primer. any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated
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    70 hp johnson

    i have a 86 70 hp johnson that i just put a used vro pump in. it will now idle and go slow but when i try to plane out and speed up it bogs down. if i push the primer on the key it will at least plane out but not get up to speed. does this sound like a carb problem?
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    faded paint

    i have an 84 glastron and it has gold metal flake on the top half. it is faded and i was wonder if there is anything you can do about it under the cover it looks nice but take the cover off and it looks like to different paint jobs. like to get it all to look the same
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    vro pump

    i had my 86 johnson 70 hp to the dealer and he told me that the vro pump is leaking gas and needs to be replaced is this true should i just replace the vro pump