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  1. S

    Mercruiser 165 idle issues??

    Took my caravelle out for the first time ever last night after gettn it running Sun. It starts pretty good....mostly in first few cranks. I ran it around for a half hour or so but when I shift into nuetral or back into gear it likes to choke and sputter. I also was wondering...On the block it...
  2. S

    mercruiser 165 points??

    Hey there, Just wondering if you can interchange points from auto to boats. I mean to say can I get points at the autp store for a 71 mercury straight 6 or are they completley different?? May sound stupid but theres alot of different parts out there that you can use on more than one model/make...
  3. S

    HELP!!! Merc 165hp

    Hey all, New to this site and boating.....sort of. Anyway I just bought a 71 caravelle with a 165 mercruiser in it. I got it home and now spark!!!! I checked the plugs nothing, then pulled the lead off the coil an nothing there either. So I assumed bad coil, and ordered one off this...