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  1. M

    Greg Norman's Boat

    Has anybody seen this:<br /><br />
  2. M

    Advice - selling boat

    I bought a brand new 2003 Chaparral 210 SS about 13 months ago....just found out I will likely be moving to Europe for the next three years for work, so I'm thinking of selling. Can anyone offer advise on the best way to go about selling a boat that is still almost brand new? I.e. are local...
  3. M

    Zoning regulations - Boat in Driveway

    I'm hoping someone can help me out here....when I returned home from vacation yesterday, I had a letter from my local planning/zoning office stating that is was against "code" to park my boat in my driveway. According to this letter, it can be in the rear-yard, garage, or under a carport...
  4. M

    Winterization steps/costs

    with winter fast approaching, I'm starting to think about what I'm going to have to do to winterize my new boat. As this is the first boat I have owned, and not being all that mechanically inclined, I was wondering what I should have done to ensure my boat is properly winterized and what I...
  5. M

    Boat Ramp Submerged Debris- What are my rights?

    While launching my boat yesterday (a brand new 21 ft. Chapparal), my prop caught an anchor that was submerged on the ramp...I was not even past the end of the dock trying to back out before this was on a result, my prop is shot to there an implied warranty that the boat...