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  1. G

    Yamaha water pump question

    Doing the waterpump on a 1996 Yamaha SWS 250 and need to know where the washers above the impellor go. The Yamaha shop manual shows the washers(2 flat, one wavey) above the impellor but below the SS cartridge. The parts book shows the washers above the impellor and SS cartridge. I say the manual...
  2. G

    Yamaha fuel mgmt system.

    I've got twin 1996 Yamaha 250s with the fuel mgmt system. The mpg function read 0.0 all the time and I don't have a clue. Usually when this happens I lose my speed from a plugged pickup but my speed readout is fine. The gph is ok also. Any suggestions ? Also, how do I convert my FMS to...
  3. G

    RPM Loss

    My 1996 Yamaha 250's are acting up. More specifically the STBD side will on pull 4800 RPM's while I get 5400 on the PORT side. Also I noticed on the fuel mgmt system that STBD at cruise is sucking 17gph while the port side is 10gph. STBD side starts and idles smoothly. Any suggestions ?