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  1. smevil

    1972 Starcraft Chieftain Restoration

    Starting a post hoping to ask a allot of questions and get some support in putting this 72ish? Chieftain back together, Found this new years 2015, Took my mom to look at it over Christmas, I'm forty something years old, but still mom's knows when you have found something you just knew was...
  2. smevil

    1970 Evinrude 40 hp float issues???

    Ok here it goes, 1970 Evinrude 40hp carb fresh rebuild, new float, needle seat all new gaskets, etc. this problem has been on going for months, after you put the carb back together and prime the fuel bowl you hear the fuel fill the bowl, then primer bulb gets tight, as normal. Then turn key...
  3. smevil

    1970 oddest carb problem ever...

    Ok here it goes, 1970 Evinrude carb fresh rebuild, new float, needle seat all new gaskets, etc. this problem has been on going for months, after you put the carb back together and prime the fuel bowl you hear the fuel fill the bowl, then primer bulb gets tight, as normal. Then turn key engine...
  4. smevil

    1970 Evinrude 40hp new float question

    I need to order a new float off Iboats, they offer two floats for my engine, my question is this are they for different carbs or just different manufacterer of the same float and will both work? Thanks SME
  5. smevil

    Post a pic of your starcraft!

    Re: Post a pic of your starcraft! I found this picture on C-list and never seeing one before had to check it, brought it home and have got my 500.00 dollars back in entertainment alone. Brother and I, and special thanks to the guys on the Evinrude form for their help, have got the 1970 40hp...
  6. smevil

    1970 Evinrude compression test?

    I had a 40 hp 1970 comp. test was 118 and 120 this was done cold?
  7. smevil

    1970 40hp Evinrude fuel out top right front of carb?

    I got the 1970 evinrude 40 horse I have cleaned and rebuilt the carb with new needle valve, gaskets etc. on ocassion it seems to stick and when I prime from the tank it pushes fuel out of the 3/8 hole on top of the carb that faces fwd. When I take it apart again and put it back together it work...
  8. smevil

    1963 Starcraft holiday needs bimini any suggestions?

    Hey guys I would like a bimini top for My 63ish 14' holiday anyone made one that would work? Just need a place where my girls can hide from the sun. Nothing to fancy or maybe a bimini might be manufactered today that would fit? any ideas or pictures would be welcome. Thanks SME [/IMG]
  9. smevil

    What year Starcraft did I really buy?

    I did not know there was forum just for Starcraft, so this is the second time I have asked this question was reffered her from the everything posts. I got this boat off C-list the other week, the guy told me it was a 74 but after learning more about Starcraft I believe it to be earlier like...
  10. smevil

    What year Starcraft?

    This is my Starcraft i picked up 2 weeks ago, the gut said it was a 1974 and the engine was a 72. after researching the motor it is a 1970, I believe the boat to be earlier.
  11. smevil

    1970 40hp evinrude electric shift, impeller change quick question.

    Quick question we are going after my water impeller after work, I currently have no manual but have found it fun finding all the info here to get this engine back online after 15 years, My question is after removing the cover plate on right side of the engine to get to the next plate where the 2...
  12. smevil

    1970 40hp Evinrude gear oil leaking out of weep hole X2

    Hello, Am excited we just got a 1970 40hp Evinrude with the old Selectric drive running after a est. 15 year rest. Did all the general maint. on it (carb.,points,cleaning,etc.) have it running in tub and after 3-5 min idle the water in tub had a heavy film of grey foam, after inspection found...
  13. smevil

    1969 Evinrude big twin 40 hp

    Re: 1969 Evinrude big twin 40 hp