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  1. F

    1992 Yamaha 200 TXRQ - Pressure Relief Valve?

    Can someone enlighten me how a Pressure Relief Valve works? I've heard two versions:<br /><br />1. It's job is to CLOSE at higher RPMs to allow water to stay in the head longer so that more heat exchange can occur.<br /><br />2. Its job is to OPEN at higher RPM's so that water does not stay in...
  2. F

    Yamaha 200 TX (1994) Barely Idles and runs rough!

    Please Help. I need a Yamaha Guru's synopsis of the following:<br /><br />My '92 Yamaha 200 (V6) has always run great until last weekend. <br /><br />Here's the skinny: I put only about 40 to 60 hours a year on it, except last year I only ran it a few hours. (newborn baby took precendence ...