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  1. G

    52-23 Johnson 5hp

    I have a TN 28 1952 or 1953 5hp Johnson outboard with serial no 994600 or possibly 99e4600. Under the serial no is what appears to be VOD or possibly MOD. Can anyone identify the specific year or date of manufacture of this engine?
  2. G

    40 hp 1967 Johnson manual shifter replacement question

    I have an electric start, 40hp 1967 Johnson Super Sea Horse, serial #J2738334, model RDS-29E. I am replacing the shift mechanism form the shift handle to the engine because of 'slop' resulting in the need for a greater throw than my control box and cables will handle. I have removed everything...
  3. G

    prop cushion needed

    I have a brass prop off a 40hp 1967 Johnson outboard. The rubber cushion/bushing is shot. The prop shows SMC 52. Michigan props has identified it as on of theirs, but they do not have a replacement rubber cushion. I have a replacement prop, but would like to repair (or have repaired) the...