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  1. S

    72 evinrude 85hp elec shift (step by step impeller change)

    Ok guys and gals, Today I changed my impeller for the first time and thought I would do a write up.... This will be per the OEM manuel but with my suggestions thrown in there.... oh and I tryed to do it by myself but had to holler at my wife to help hold things and whatnot, I would recomend a...
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    72 evinrude 85hp electric shift

    Re: 72 evinrude 85hp electric shift the red arrows pointing to the little red cirle represent the "holes" im talking about...and this is the same model boat I have (except mines yellow topped, lol)
  3. S

    72 evinrude 85hp electric shift

    Hello again all, my previous post was a overall "help me" thread..... now that you all and my oem manuel have taught me a thing or two I am on to more detailed questions... First off I may have goofed a little, I changed the lower unit oil today, I used mallory Type C and filled from the bottom...
  4. S

    HELP! newbe with a 1972 evinrude 85hp

    Hello all! So I am super new to boating, I just bought my first boat< 1972 larson with an 85hp evinrude. I would love some of you guys input and guideance... I am a pretty decient auto mechanic (i think so, lol) HOWEVER, I have NO experience with 2 strokes or boats in any way! So I have some...