Search results

  1. K

    ? about force 120 on 20 foot trophy

    I recently bought a 1998 trophy 2002 FF W/A with a force 120 outboard. I took it out for the first time on sunday and found that i could only hit 21mph at WOT 4,000 rpm and cruise at 18mph and 3,500 rpm. I cant get anywhere near the 5,250 max rpm. Im thinking somethings not write. At that...
  2. K

    help '98 Force 120hp runs great on land, wont run on the water???

    Ok, so heres the story. I got a '98 trophy 2002 ff W/A, with a '98 force 120hp outboard,in feb 2011. Had a mechanic check out the motor and everything checked out. mechanic said the idle was a little fast, he adjusted the idle down a bit, and said where good to go. I took the boat out today...
  3. K

    1972 mercruiser 165hp inline6 overheating

    hey guys, im brand new to the forums and a brand new boater. i jus bought my first boat, an old 1972 bonanza fishing boat and i took it to a lake to test it out. well was in the water for like 2mins and saw the temp gauge reach 200. a little smoke was comming from the engine also. turned around...
  4. K

    boating equipment

    hey guys i jus bought an 18' boat. can someone point me to a website for what kind of equipment is legally required to have b4 i launch the boat i.e life vests, flares, fire extinguisher etc.. thanks!
  5. K

    jus bought my first boat yay! im so excited
  6. K

    what kind of fish species near channel islands

    as titles says, what kind of fish species are along the southern california coast near channel islands. I plan on going inflatable boat fishingabout .5-1mile offshore. What kind of fish are living out there for me to catch?
  7. K

    outboard motor laws

    hey guys, i read some where on this forum that if you get a motor more than 10hp there are different laws and regulations u need to know? i cant find the thread i was reading, but is it true? sorry for the noob question, i jus dont wanna get fined.