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  1. S

    Need new OMC Cobra 3.0 outdrive. Question: rebuilt or used Craigslist??

    I have a 1989 Bayliner 1950 Capri and froze the outdrive. Question is should I buy a used one off Craigslist $450 or get a rebuilt one from a marina $1,650 with a 1 year warranty?
  2. S

    Bow rider front cushion over anchor

    I have a 1950 Capri bow rider and the middle bow rider cushion over the anchor is a pain to get to anchor. Has anyone modified cushion so all of the seat cushions do not have to be removed to get at the anchor?
  3. S

    Custom seats to replace 2 pc folding seats

    Has anyone created custom seats to replace the folding 2 pc seats. I have to recover my seats and don't care for the folding seats. My boat is a 1989 1950 Capri
  4. S

    Adding power trim motor to non power boat

    What would be involved to add a 50 or 60HP motor with power trim to my 2001 Starcraft Starfire 150? The current motor is a Merc 25hp and the controls have the up/down switch on the throttle but the 25hp does not have power trim. The 25hp in not enough for what we want out of this boat. Any help...