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  1. S

    Outboard Torgue Output

    How about this, asked Merc to give me torque numbers for their 115 2-stroke (carbs), 115 Optimax, and 115 4-stroke. Shopping for a new engine & wanted to compare, here's Merc's interesting reply:<br /><br />_______________________________________________<br />Thank you for your recent e-mail...
  2. S

    2-Stroke vs. 4-Stroke Torque Output

    Do 4-strokes put out more torque than 2-strokes of equivalent horsepower? Reason I ask is I saw Mercury ran a 26-in Trophy Plus prop on a 4-stroke 115 mounted to an 18-ft boat. I run a 19-in stainless 3-blade prop (no vent holes) on my 2-stroke 115 mounted on a Key West 1720DC (about 2000lbs...