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  1. S

    Trolling w/'92 Yamaha 85 hwp

    Are there any problems, from an engine standpoint, trolling with a '92 Yamaha 85 hwp? I realize that I may be moving too fast for some fish, even at the lowest speeds.
  2. S

    '92 Yamaha 85hwp & trolling

    Are there any problems, from an engine standpoint, trolling with a '92 Yamaha 85 hwp? :confused: I realize that I may be moving too fast for some fish, even at the lowest speeds.
  3. S

    92' Yamaha 85 Mid-range problems

    My 92' Yamaha 85 has problems with acceleration. Idles well. Full speed is good. Getting up to speed it bogs, but only briefly. Some have told me it's my prop, others said replace the plugs. It just came out of winter. It did not have this problem last fall.