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  1. C

    1978 Evinrude 150

    Whats the best way to adj.your Linkage.And how do u know for sure its correct.
  2. C

    1978 150h.p.Evinrude

    I recently changed the water pump and now I have reverse and no forward. Was never an issue with this before.I took shift rod to marina and they adjusted the shift rod to proper location.not sure what else it could be
  3. C

    not going into gear

    Hey guys..I have a 1978 Evinrude 150 outboard..I just changed water pump today and now after putting back together I have reverse but no forward.Never had a problem with gears until now.Any idea what may of went wrong.Any help is greatly appreciated.thanks
  4. C

    1978 150 hp evinrude problems

    hey guys,so ok i took out my boat yeterday and everything started good,ran great,im hauling *** down the ohio river about 45 mph.stopped and fished for a while.go to leave and now motor is acting all crazy.first off it will start right up,but when i go the put in forward it wants to like...
  5. C

    gas gage not working

    i have a 1978 Johnson Bass Hawk and my gas gage is not working.I have no idea where to even start on this.I tried to take gage out today but could not even figure that out.I wasnt going to worry about it but since i ended up stranded at the lake as a result of running out of gas im thinking it...
  6. C

    battery question

    i have a 24 volt trolling motor and and i need to know the correct way to hook 2 batteries together to make the 24 volts....thank you
  7. C

    1978 150hp evinrude...hard to start

    hey guys my motor is very stubborn to get started for the first time of the day....i have to shoot it with starting fluid to get it to finally may run 5 seconds and die then i repeat this several times and it will finally stay running..what gets me is that once it stays running i dont...
  8. C

    1978 evinrude

    i need repair manual for 1978 150 evinrude thanks
  9. C

    150 hp evinrude not starting

    i have a 1978 150 hp evinrude...put in water the other day and everytime i turn key the solenoid clicks. I tried to jump solenoid and still nothing..a couple of times a little puff of smoke seemed to come out of starter.So i tapped starter with hammer a few times and it worked but now thats not...
  10. C

    1978 150 hp evinrude

    just bought this jewel and it runs great.My problem is with the steering.steering wheel not moving,and could not turn motor by i unhooked steerring rod and now wheel turns and motor turns by hand..not sure what its called but its the rod that runs all the way thru bracket that holds on...
  11. C

    about ready to give this thing away...

    seems like one problem after another...1975 mercury 85 horse.not been started in over 2 yrs.changed plugs in it today just for the hell of it..tried for several get it started and it acted like it wanted to but i pulled up the manual choke and not long after it fired
  12. C

    help please motor wont turn ovwe

    my 1975 85 h.p mercury will not turn over by the ignition key.I just jumped the solenoid and it turns over.Am i correct in assuming this would be a bad solenoid..thanks charie
  13. C

    what year is my mercury outboard

    i have an 85 h.p. mercury outboard.serial #4100183 could someone please help me with this thanks charlie