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  1. T

    Horrible squawk when starting 1980 Evinrude 100

    Hi guys, As I'm sure this is a common problem, I get a horrible squawk when I try to start my engine and it misses. Basically I turn the key, it turns over a few times and if it doesn't start it makes the noise. Something must need to be lubricated or something but, does anyone have any ideas...
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    Evinrude 100HP cough and low speed problems

    Hey all, Have a few issues with my Evinrude 100HP 1980 outboard. This engine has been great to me, it's lasted over 10 years since I bought it and it was even old when I bought the thing. But as I'm starting to realize it is 27 years old, which in engine years is probably about 402, but I have...
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    Difference between Carb problem and Idle problems??

    I am currently running a '79 Evinrude 100hp. Although it's old it has been running great, but recently the trim quit working. After taking the motor off and removing the trim unit, I managed to fix it by taking it apart and cleaning it. BUT in order to do this I had to detatch my throttle cables...
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    I have a 1979 Evinrude 100hp. My tilt/trim has been acting up on me and it's been an endless effort to try to make it work again. The tilt will go up fine, but the tilt or trim will not go down. I have filled fluid and the motor still runs fine when pressing the down switch. I have now removed...
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    Horrible Screetch Noise on Ignition

    I have a 100hp Evinrude. It's been running fine, aside from some idle problems, but when i start the engine it makes a horrible screetch. This usually happens when i'm turning the key and the starter is trying to start it but then it kicks out and all that remains is a horrible loud screetch...
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    Trim up not down, checked everything possible please help!

    Hello<br />I have a 100hp Evinrude outboard and I have been having some serious trim problems over the last year. At first it was just that clicking noise, which I fixed by rewireing solenoids. But then my o-ring broke on the manual release valve. I then had to unmount my engine and drain the...
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    100hp Evinrude trim stuck in up position

    Hello,<br />I recently fixed my trim problem by changing an O ring on the manual release vavle. This resulted in me loseing a lot of fluid. When I tested the trim out the motor would raise up, but not go back down. i figured this was just low fluid because it does this automatically. So i've...
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    100hp Evinrude manual release valve leaking

    Up until this year my trim has worked without any problem. But recently it just stopped working all together. I rewired my solenoids, they work perfect. The trim motor still runs, for both up and down, but the engine does not go up or down. I then lifted the motor up and down and noticed that...