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  1. P

    Yamaha Stern Drive Water Coming in

    I have a 1992 Rinker 186 with a 4.3L Yamaha Stern drive. I had read the following thread which was talking about the (exhaust?) dump from the anode at the back of the transom. I reference this because I have the same setup, but my boat seems to be taking on water. I will have to check about...
  2. P

    Cooling issue and Exhaust pressure in dump hose

    I am fairly new to I/O and stern drives. I have a 1992 Rinker 186 Bowrider with the 4.3L Yamaha Stern drive. I am having cooling issues. So far I have done the following after reading the posts I have found in this forum. Replaced the Raw water impeller, it is located front right lower on...