Search results

  1. S

    Do i do anything else?

    I have a 1999 Johnson 200 hp outboard. This past week took it out and it wouldn't start, then i promptly floaded it. After an hour or so got it started but it would hesitate bad. Noticed gas driping out of the front of it so took off the carb vent cover and noticed it was full of gas. I was...
  2. S

    schraeder valve?

    I have a 1999 200 h.p. Johnson motor. <br /><br />Does anyone know what position the red lever on the manual choke should be? I think it is called the shrader valve, but not to sure. For some dumb reason i think the position of this may have been changed and i want to make sure it is correct...
  3. S

    1999 johnson 200hp water in tank

    I have a 1999 Johson 200 hp outboard. I'm having a little trouble with the idle in neutral. When i first start it in cold water lower than 50 deg it idles fast and spits, almost like it has water in the gas tank. Does this outboard have a fuel water seperator on this? I put stabilizer in the...