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    1986 25hp Evinrude remote conversion problem

    Hi, I have a 1986 25hp Evinrude. It is the rope start, tiller steer model. I have been converting it to steering and remotes. Everything had gone well so far - steering all works, shift cable conversion and cable with remote work, but when trying to add the bracket to hold the throttle cable...
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    1986 Evinrude 25 hp

    Hi, I am trying to locate a steering arm (connector arm) for tilt tube steering. I can order a new one (quite expensive) or try to make one myself. I was wondering how long between the centres (bolts) the rod needs to be? If any one knows or has one can they please measure it for me? Cheers
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    1973 Mercury 75 pee problems

    Hi, I have a 1973 Mercury 75 (the 7.5 hp). I have changed the impeller and tried to make sure nothing is blocking any tubes. I started it up after doing this and it peed really well for about a minute and then stopped completely. I was wondering if this model had a thermostat and if it was...
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    !972 Mercury 75 won't pee

    I have a '72 mercury 7.5 HP outboard. It stopped peeing the other day and I have disassembled the lower housing and checked the impeller (from advise on this site). It is working fine, I checked as many hosing parts as possible and haven't found any blockages. So where to next? Also does this...