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  1. J

    Fuel pump output

    I just changed over from VRO to a standard fuel pump. I saw a post here that said the standard pump won't pump enough volume of fuel to run the engine.<br /> True? The pump I installed on an 89 40hp Johnson recreation model is the same pump a 40hp commercial engine uses so why would it not be ok...
  2. J

    '89 Johnson 40hp thermostat part #

    Anyone have the Johnson OEM part number for an '89 Johnson 40hp thermostat. I've looked all over the web and can't find it.
  3. J

    89 Johnson thermostat

    89 Johnson thermostat Thanks to the tips and info I've received here on the forum I have managed to rebuild my carbs, put on all new fuel lines, uninstall the VRO and install a standard fuel ****.<br /> Got one question. I'm not satisfied with the amount of water coming out of the pisser. I put...
  4. J

    TC-W3 shelf life?

    I got a gallon of old Yamaha TC-W3 oil that has been opened then re-capped and stored for about 5 yrs.<br /> Is it still good for use in my 2 stroke?
  5. J

    40hp VRO

    I've had to disconnect the VRO on my '89 40hp Johnson.(bad oil pump, lack of cash to replace it).<br /> I've seen several posts here about the wiring of the pump and none matches mine.<br /> My boat was rigged(new) by Tracker and several pieces and parts are not standard Johnson.<br /> The 3...