Search results

  1. T

    1999 Evinrude 70hp 4 stroke ECM wanted

    I would like to pick up a working computer for my 1999 Evinrude 4 stroke 70hp outboard. Dealer have run all kinds of tests with the software and everything checks out okay. The motor runs but has some issues and would like to try a new/used ECM. I don't have much more hair to pull out so if...
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    1999 70hp 4 stroke MAP sensor cross reference

    My dealer is having a hard time getting the MAP sensor (5030757) for my 1999 Evinrude 70hp 4 stroke. Would the Suzuki MAP sensor for the same yr and model 70hp interchange? I'd like to get my kids out fishing but the boat is stuck at the dealer while they wait for parts that are backordered.
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    cracked transom on a bass boat

    Looked at a fiberglass Sprint bass boat yesterday. The transom is cracked below the upper jackplate mount screws. No other cracks anywhere else. Since I have only owned alum boats in the past, the fiberglass hulls are new to me. Look at the pic and let me know if it is serious or not and if...
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    1988 and 1998 Johnson 60hp 3cyl-are they the same outboard??

    I have a 1988 60hp 3 cylinder with 1 dead cylinder and looking to replace it with a 1998 model 3 cylinder. Can I use the lower unit and carbs from my dead 1988 on the 1998? I don't want to assume they are the same, so I'll hear from the experts here. Thanks.
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    1999 Evinrude 4stroke 70hp

    I switched this motor from one boat to the other. It worked perfectly on the older boat now it surges at 2400rpm like it wants to rev higher but keeps running up to 2600rpm and back to 2400rpm and won't rev any further. It idles smooth and quiet and runs past 2000rpm smooth. I am using the...
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    de-rated Merc outboards

    I had a person tell me Merc changed the way they measured the HP of the motors in the 1980's from crank to prop HP. I know they rebadged the 4 cyl 50hp but is this true with the entire lineup? He says the 115 was rebadged a 90 and the 125 rebadged as a 115, and so on and so on.... If measured...
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    whats the difference in 1981 Johnson 25hp and 35hp

    I have a good 1981 25hp Johnson and a dead powerhead on a 1981 35hp Johnson. Both engines are the same displacement, what do I need to make the 25 into a 35?
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    1992 Mercury 90hp tilt/trim issue

    Looking to buy a boat with a 1992 90hp Merc and the power trim won't raise the motor when running down the lake at speed. It will trim okay when you are at idle or in gear but only at idle speeds. This is the first time the motor has been running since last fall when it was put in storage...