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  1. M

    cd voltmeter

    evinrude 1979 35hp 35952a Bringing us to moderm times, the manual calls for when using the evinrude cd voltmeter a setting of neg 500 on the cd voltmeter, is that DC volts? for an autoranging voltmeter? checking the charge coil for output,, when cranking, I should see 230vdc? or 230vAC
  2. M

    cant get water cover off

    1979 evinrude 35hp 35952a trying to replace the water cover gasket and thermostat, all screws removed, but cover is not coming off, I would think not to pry it off, tried rubber malot would a heat gun be useful? any other Ideas to free the cover? looks like it hasn't been off since 1979 when...
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    wont idle sync n link looks off mark

    1979 evinrude 35hp 35952A engine wont idle, will start, keep alive by working choke on and off, rebult carb, new fuel pump, compression 123psi both, spark looks good on both, but bottom plug is wet, with gas. looking at cam follower, it is almost at begining of cam, to the left of it, I see...
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    79 evinrude 35hp wont start

    first 1979 evinrude 35hp model 35952A first time I have used stabil in my gas, motor was slightly hard to start before I did.maybe stabil marine loosened some crap that clogged my carb? I have a new fuel pump, removing the output fuel line from pump to carb, gas streams as I turn the engine...
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    to replace fuel line from pump to carb 79 eivinrude 35hp

    1979 evinrude 35hp model 35952A I have a leak on the connection at the carb input from the fuel pump, It is impossible to get at, I went to move the starter but cant get it off, not pic'ed in the mannual, seems like a solid pice on the entire side of motor. is there an easy way or do I need to...