Search results

  1. G

    3.0l OMC stalling at WOT

    My brother and I have a 1986 thundercraft that was bogging out at WOT but is now getting up to plane then stalling out, it will surge a little then stall, start right back up, cruise at slow speed but will stall out at WOT. we have replaced fuel pump(electric) and checked all lines, replaced...
  2. G

    3.0l OMC bogging at full throttle

    My brother and I just bought a 1986 thundercraft with a 3.0l OMC. The boat was and older gentlemans which seemed to take very good care of the boat, it just had points, carb kits, and fuel filter replaced at the local marina. When we bought the boat we put it in the water and it ran great, we...
  3. G

    120hp force bogging out

    I have a 1989 Bayliner with a 120hp force motor that boggs out, sometimes it will run great and then bog down and others it just boggs down right from the start, it seems to have good spark and fuel, the problem does not change when the primer ball is squeezed leading me to believe that fuel is...
  4. G

    1988 120hp L drive with no reverse

    Hey, I have a 1988 Bayliner with a 120 hp L drive that my brother and I purchased not knowing the nightmare that they are, the boat has no reverse and our local mechanic says that it needs a new drive.(A new shift cable has been installed already) Unfortunately there are none available to our...