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  1. S

    No spark/power

    I have a 1992 force 70hp that I had no spark, put a new stator in, and if fired for about 12 seconds, then no spark again. I am showing voltage going to the kill switch wire when it is not connected, and I don't know what is going on. Please help!!!
  2. S


    I have a 1992 Force 70hp outboard that with the kill wire disconnected I have voltage going to the wire, and no spark to the plugs. HELP!!! Please???
  3. S

    No Spark

    I have a 1992 70 hp force that has no spark. Initially I had no output readings from the stator. I put a new stator in, and the boat rand for a total of about 12 seconds. The first time was about 10 seconds in my garage, I then took the boat to the marina, I put it in the water it started...
  4. S

    Spark Issue

    I have a 1992 Spectum with a 1992 Force 70 hp, 3 cyl. motor. It sat for 2 years before I put it in the water. The engine started right up, no problems ran for a day and a half. I lost spark, had no electic readings from the Stator, so I replaced it. The boat started in my garage, I took it...