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  1. T

    NH boat law?

    Hello everyone, I have a New Hampshire boater's guide in front of me and I am blown away with what I just read in it. I have been boating for a about 5 years now and every year I get this booklet just to keep up on my boating rules. Well Here in the book word for word. Who may operate a...
  2. T

    boats gods please be good to me!

    My in law's bought a house, on a very small lake. The house is waterfront, but the lake is very small. Today, my wife, her parents, and myself will be checking out this lake, for a very short time. I am somewhat concerned, being that the average depth is 6 feet throughout the entire lake. I...
  3. T

    lake winnisquam

    Heading up to lake winnisquam for the next 11 days. can't wait to see fireworks from the boat on the 4th of July. Well I hope all goes well for myself, and all you pleasant, and unpleasant, boater's out there lol. I may see some of you out there on the sandbars, I will be the fisherman...
  4. T

    just another happy boater

    Well, today my wife took a vacation day from work, and well lets just say, I don't need to worry about taking a vacation day... AKA unemployed. We get to the local lake, launch goes well. I am heading out of the no wake zone and I see a sea ray, that just doesn't seem like he is going too far...