Search results

  1. J

    Replacing Upper U-joint yoke & bearing - 84 Alpha One

    I have read the factory manual, and have searched here. I was just hoping to get some advice and opinions: I recently replaced all the bellows, gimbal bearing, etc. (After having done it just 3 years ago... cheap bellows degraded - used all quicksilver stuff this time). I discovered a small...
  2. J

    Proper max RPM - 84 Merc 120

    I have an 84 Merc 120 in a glastron x-19. With the stock prop (14x19) I max out at 4100RPM and an indicated 34mph (gauge, not GPS). Is this the proper max RPM? I cannot find the documentation anywhere, and I have searched the internet for what it should be. I assume its probably supposed to be...
  3. J

    Bellows brand opinions - last change lasted only 3yr...

    Three years ago, exactly, I rebuilt my 1984 Glastron X-19. Total rebuild, new interior, new floor, and all new rubber and cables etc on the outdrive. I bought a "kit" from ebay for the bellows/hoses/gimbal. The rest of the stuff came from several reputable suppliers and was mostly GLM and...