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  1. V

    Yamaha 115 Hole-shot Power (or lack thereof)

    I have a 1987 16' Starcraft with a Yamaha 115. It's been running great all spring. Then last week, it lost its hole-shot power. While idling, if I really push the throttle, it is very sluggish. But if I ease it down, within a few seconds, it builds up power and will plane out and cruise all...
  2. V

    Using Ski Pylon with Inflatables - Why Not?

    I was considering mounting/using a ski pylon, such as Swivel-eze or Overton's, for pulling inflatables. I thought this would raise the rope higher and help get on plane faster and pull easier. However, I noticed that most of the pylons say "Not recommended for pulling inflatables", such as in...