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  1. K

    Yamaha SX250TXRA trim sensor

    The trim gauge on my 2002 Yamaha SX250TXRA is not reading fully down when the motor is trimmed down. When the motor is tilted up, I can locate the trim sensor lever and operate it with my finger and when I push it fully down the gauge correctly indicates the motor is fully down. However, the...
  2. K

    Another Yamaha trim sensor question

    I have read several posts on this issue but what I have read does not seem to correlate with what I see with my motor and I would like any clarification/verification. My motor is a 2002 Yamaha SX250TXRA. Just recently my trim gauge has started misreading by indicating my motor is trimmed halfway...
  3. K

    Key West 23 CC dash panel

    Does anyone know where I can obtain a replacement plastic instrument and switch dash panel for a 2001 23ft Key West CC. The original is cracked around each mounting screw hole. Thanks....