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  1. P


    Why is it I cant see any of the pictures when I click on the x . Ive tried everything left and right click.
  2. P

    fishing for walleye

    Was just wondering best way to catch walleye in river conditions. I understand the wind bit but should the wind be at your back in the river even though you have a current?????????????????
  3. P


    I have two batteries with seperate cables going to each. One basically runs the outboard starter and the lights. The other runs the troll,belge,radio and so on what do you think
  4. P

    charging tow batteries at once

    I have a 50hp force outboard and was wondering if it is possible to charge both batteries at once and if so how would i hook up the cables
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    more sites as this

    love this site very much . Just wondering if anyone knows of other sites like this one :)
  6. P

    can anybody tell me what it is

    I have a 1987 force outboard 50hp.On the lower shaft just above the propeller i have a big black thing that looks like the tail end of an airplane.Never seen one on an outboard before and was wondering what this is for. Its bolted on and was wondering if i took it off the pros and cons. Maybe i...
  7. P

    grandma lure

    would like to know if anyone knows where i can buy a grandma lure for musky. i use to have one and it was great but i lost it afew years ago and cant locate another if you want you can e-mail me at
  8. P

    have to get some shut i but please help me with 50hp force no reverse earlier po

    see you all in the morning hope to have some replies again thanks fellows :confused: :) :rolleyes:
  9. P

    please help had reverse but now i have none 50hp force 1987

    about two weeks ago i knocked my skid plate off and put a hole in my lower lower end.i ordered a second hand lower end housing put the hole thing back together and it worked fine execpt wold not go into neutral without going little past neutral then back to i had the boat out and...
  10. P

    1987 force outboard lead in gas

    was reading manual and it said you can and lead to gas or not was wondering if this was a good idea or not as lead could help the piston walls but could screw up alot of other parts :rolleyes: :confused: