Search results

  1. M

    04' Cobia 191 bay ??

    anyone have a 04' or around there 191 bay? How do you like it? How does it handle chop? What is the top speed with the Yamaha F115. Does it pull a skier well?
  2. M

    help choosing b/w 19 and 21 bay boat

    I am looking for a bay boat to primarily fish in bays, occassionally near shore reefs (on good days) and slalom ski occassionally. Can anyone help me pro/con the 19' and 21'. Does the 19 fit in a satandard garage? Is the 21 more difficult to tow? Is one more fuel efficient than the other? Does...
  3. M

    SV19 vs. SV21

    I am looking for a bay boat to primarily fish in bays, occassionally near shore reefs (on good days) and slalom ski occassionally. Can anyone help me pro/con the SV19 and SV21. Does the 19 fit in a satandard garage? Is the 21 more difficult to tow? Is one more fuel efficient than the other...
  4. M

    how well does a SV21 pull skier

    How well does a SV21 pull a slalom skier. Will a four stroke 115 do the trick or is it under powered and I should go for the four stroke 150.