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  1. O

    1992 Yamaha C115 Outboard

    The engine quit with a loud grinding noise while running at speed. Now the starter doesn't seem to be able to spin the motor easily. I checked the compression on each cylinder and found 3 with 100 psi and 1 with 70 psi. Is this indicative of a cylinder/engine problem? I also drained the...
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    1992 Yamaha C115 Outboard

    While running at speed there was a sudden grinding noise and the engine lost rpm and shut down. It would not start again, and the starter was having trouble turning the engine over. I have replaced the starter but the new starter is also having trouble turning the engine over. When the engine...
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    Starter Problems

    I have a 1992 Yamaha 115hp outboard. While running along on the lake the other day there was a grinding noise and a sudden loss of power. It appears the start gear engaged itself while running along. The result was to melt the battery terminal. I have corrected the battery and pushed the...