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  1. T

    1989 Tilt motor rebuild THANKS !!!

    Was able to remove the t/t motor, not easy. Armature was frozen with corrosion, cleaned it up, did continuity checks, thermal overoad checks good. But it will not spin, sitting on bench with commutator end down ideas ?
  2. T

    89 merc 90hp tilt THANKS !!

    Motor is in down position - both tilt solenoids click, how to raise the motor by hand to get at the tilt motor? seems to be 'locked'
  3. T

    1989 merc 90 hp 3000 rpm max

    Sometimes the motor will not rev past 3k when in gear, no speed. In neutral it will rev higher. fuel pump?
  4. T

    1989 merc 90 hp tilt HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!<br />tilt solenoid went out<br />merc manual on-board said to turn the manual release valve CLOCKWISE???? the plastic screw head stripped. Talked to !@#$%^&* boat shop, they said manual release valve was the only way to relieve pressure, yeah right, drilled out valve, found...
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    1989 merc 90 tilt probs

    help- been fighting this thing,,,,,,,,,,had to completely evacuate the hydraulic system, it takes fluid to a point, then i have to manually bleed the system by lifting the motor up several times manually in order to add more fluid. problem is, at some point it builds enough pressure to prevent...
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    1989 Merc 90 hp PTNT- how to bleed system?

    hi, i've been trying to refill the tnt reservoir,<br />at one point i had to drain it completely,is there a bleed valve besides the manual release?<br />underneath the pump motor?<br />I have added some fluid back into the system,and it accepts more when the motor is tilted down and back up...
  7. T

    Merc Power Trim locked in up

    Hi, 1989 90HP Merc, the power trim locked at max up today, switch on the remote control checks good. I tried to lower the motor using the manual release valve, however, the Merc manual stated to rotate the valve screw clockwise(?!) to lower the motor,*&%$, screwhead stripped partially, screw...