Search results

  1. D

    Suzuki 60HP ----- What year?

    Hi<br />I've just acquired a 14ft speedboat fitted with a Suzuki 60HP oil injection with electric start and power trim.<br />There are two sets of numbers stamped on the engine ---- C376 on the head and block and 302421 on a side plate. Would any one know what year this is? + can temp gauge and...
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    Excessive exhaust fumes

    Hi <br />I've just brought a speedboat fitted with an 1980s Suzuki 60hp 2 stroke Elpto which has had very minimal usage over the last couple of years.<br />On taking it out for the first time on a local river (speed limited to 8knots) my passengers complained of getting headaches from the...
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    What year is this Mariner

    Hi<br />A Friend has brought a Mariner 20EL with a supposed blown head gasket, the serial number is 6A9-L-550872.<br />Does anyone know the model year and have any thoughts on this engine?
  4. D

    evinrude year & info

    Hi, I'm a new boy(old at 53!!)to boats so forgive my ignorance.<br />I've been offered an Evinrude 125 Starflite with electric start which I haven't had a chance to go see yet.<br />The owner has no information about the engine at all and thinks it's a 125HP but I've been told from the model...