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  1. N

    Impeller caps...1 or 2? 4.3GL

    I'm replacing the impeller on my 98 4.3L GL. The kit came with 4 gaskets and 2 caps to fill the center hole on the impeller covering the shaft it mounts on. Do I use 1 or 2? Is there supposed to be 2 to give it some space so it doesn't rub right against the housing or just one? Do I even...
  2. N

    Need help buying canvas trailer covers!

    First, if you think this should be posted or would be better posted under "Trailers and Towing" please let me know. I need a trailerable boat cover quickly. I've got a 98 Four Winns Horizon RX 180. My goal is to store it outside in my driveway this summer so I don't have to jockey it in and...
  3. N

    Auto parts for tune up? 4.3GL Volvo Penta

    Looking to do a quick tune up this week. It's the first summer I've had my boat and have a few questions about doing the tune up. It's a 98 Four Winns with the 4.3GL VP as the title states. I know I can use a PF52 or PF 47 automotive oil filter oil but am not sure on other parts. What do you...