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  1. D

    Volvo DP-SM trim sensor / gauge issue

    I have a Volvo 8.1 GI-E with a DP-SM 1.78 Drive unit and TSK SX-MPH Transom Assembly. The Trim sensor reads up all the time. I read through several threads that referenced instructions on how to adjust / trouble shoot this and I could not find the instructions. How do I adjust / trouble...
  2. D

    Volvo 8.1 GI-E Charging Issue

    I just purchased a 2004 Chris Craft 25 Launch with a Volvo 8.1 GI-E and am not sure if there is an issue with the batteries charging or not. Symptom: Voltage does not register on the gauge on the dash. It is always stuck at 10 volts. Trouble shooting done: 1) Took batteries to get tested...