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  1. S

    i need advise on buying a boat w/ volvo penta eng.

    hi all, i'm buying a 1986 bayliner contessa 28 which has a volvo penta. someone scared me by saying it's not a good engine. if anyone knows about these boats / engines, plz give some input. also how should i go about inspecting this boat by a professional? chicago south suburbs. thanks for...
  2. S

    1986 bayliner contess 28 / volvo penta eng.

    Hi all, i'm looking at buying a 1986 bayliner contessa 28 and it has the volvo penta engine. i've heard this engine parts are hard to find and that this engine is not reliable. plz give feedback on whether i should go ahead w the buy. this engine was rebuilt aprx 30 hrs ago. what should i...