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  1. Fishinmagician

    Its Still a Sad Day a little Rant

    Good Morning all, ive been away for awhile due to shoveling 13' of snow over the last 2 months so ive been a little busy :cool: . I posted this: Here last October not knowing that we would see record snow falls in years here in North West Indiana, its been so cold here lately i could hear the...
  2. Fishinmagician

    A Sad Day

    It sure is a sad day when your in the garage applying the last coat of wax on the old girl, draining the oil out, fogging the plugs all with care,stowing away some of the summers memories reaching for any sign of warm weather to take her out just one more time before old man winter makes his way...
  3. Fishinmagician

    Story from the vault

    Heres a story i had in the vault, i was in Orlando last week at Disney and visited my uncle and we were talking about the good ole days and he reminded me of this classic.... 3 years ago, i was visiting my Uncle in Orlando,Florida for a week, it was a very nice relaxing vacation. We decided to...
  4. Fishinmagician

    you think it cant happen to you? it can and it will

    well..... i did the unthinkable yesterday. took the kids out to tube, got the cooler-check got the gas full-check got the tube-check got the bridal-check blah blah blah, ok here we go, back it in honey, kids stay on the dock. ok hold her there. boat floats off like peanut butter and...
  5. Fishinmagician

    Small boats, Lake Michigan, your thoughts?

    Ok ive been thinking about this for a long time and i have to ask. Would you take a 14 foot Crestliner 70 hp ob out on lake michigan on a calm day? I was raised on this lake all my life and i know there are days the water is like glass and there are days its not. I live 5 minutes from the...
  6. Fishinmagician

    Hydrafoils cheers and jeers

    Anyone have Pros or Cons on Hydrafoils? I have a 77 Johnson on a 77 Crestilner stinger and im looking to make steering performance a little better than what i have. I was talking to a buddy of mine and he brought up a Hydrafoil might help. I would like to hear opinions on this. Thank you, FM
  7. Fishinmagician

    1977 70 HP Seahorse

    Hello all, long time reader first time poster. I have a 1977 Johnson 70 hp seahorse and its mint condition and runs like a top, the question i have and it is probably easy to answer. I change the oil in the crank case all the time to insure the cleanest oil at all times, I know theres nothing...