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  1. W

    Ideal prop for Bayliner Capri 1700 / Force 120hp?

    Has anyone experimented with this boat/motor combination to find the ideal prop setup? I need to replace the one it came with anyway (it stripped out), so I might as well get the right setup. The 3 blade, 13" diameter, 19" pitch pops out of the hole very quickly, but seems lacking on the top...
  2. W

    Spun propeller? Repair or replace?

    Following advice from this forum regarding sudden loss of power on my 1996 Force 120, I took off the prop, and it indeed looks like something is wrong (see photo). Being inexperienced at this, I don't know what the hub is supposed to look like, but I don't think it's supposed to look like it...
  3. W

    Force 1996 120 hp slips out of gear under load

    Hi, Yesterday, while pulling the boat off the trailer, the motor didn't seem to pull very hard as I increased RPMs in reverse. In fact, we ended up backing the trailer further into the water to get the boat off. Putting it into forward gear, I idled out away from the boat ramp and throttled up...
  4. W

    '96 Force 120 hard to start "cold", why?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum but have already learned much from searching through old posts, so thank you for being here! I just got my recently purchased boat with a 1996 Force 120 hp out this weekend. It is consistently difficult to start when cold (aka has sat overnight or longer), but is...