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  1. S

    air and water cooled motors?

    What the difference between air cooled motors and water cooled motors? I have an engine that has a water pump but says its air cooled. Confused
  2. S

    evinrude 2 h.p. won't start, why?

    I bought an evinrude 2 h.p. and think I got screwed. It was running in a bucket when I bought it. I got it home and it started and ran for about 5 minutes then quit. I drained the internal fuel tank and put fresh gas and oil 50:1 mixture. I replaced the spark plug. I waited until the next day to...
  3. S

    evinrude mate 2 keeps dying

    I have a evinruse mate 2 outboard. Its around 1973 and 2 h.p.<br />It won't stay running. It dies after about 8 minutes when I run it in a bucket. Then it won't start again for about an hour. It starts up good, then starts to smoke a lot and there is a lot of black oil comming out of the...
  4. S

    Motorguide motor, what year?

    I have a Motorguide motor, model is MG28 Whisper Guide. Is this motor for fresh water or salt water?<br />Also what year is this motor? <br />I got it second hand.<br />Thanks, Scott
  5. S

    2 stroke outboard motors

    I read on another forum site that all 2 stroke outboard motors will be outlawed in 2004. Is this true or are 2 stroke motors here to stay? I have seen 4 stroke motors more and more, but they are expensive. Please fill me in, thanks.<br />Scott