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  1. D

    What year was my 3.5 hp Sea King made?

    3.5 hp Sea King year? (Model J35011068, Serial 348952, Type X+V 27003B) If I sell it the buyer will want to know what year it was made. I haven't run it for 10+ years and from what I recall the diaphragm or float bowl in the carburetor was shredded. Is there a place where a rebuild kit or...
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    When was my Evinrude 25 horsepower outboard made?

    Model E25RCTE. Serial# E0224884 It was last running when I stuck it in the basement 12 years ago. I'm intending to sell it 'as is', and it would be nice to know what year it is. What might be a fair price? Thanks
  3. D

    1992 60HP Mariner oil/overheating alarm

    Getting steady alarm (not beeping) when I turn the key or run the engine (plenty of water coming out of the engine). Cleaned out oil reservoir and replaced hose to pump and from pump to gas line (replaced the one-way valve in the latter too). When I disconnect one wire to the oil sensor, and...
  4. D

    1992 60hp Mariner oil warning beeping ?

    Have 1992 60hp Mariner which has been sitting for a year - I winterize it every year and chage the impeller every couple years tho I seldom use it. Noticed that the oil reservoir was empty so filled it and used 40/1 oil mix for gas which I thought you were supposed to do the first tank every...
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    Mariner 25hp year ? serial 0b213499

    think its late 70's but not sure of exact year. also has numbers 37-13020, m755397678 and 25-EL on it. Had carb cleaned last fall and within a couple weeks was clogged? again. motor started last week with choke out and gas all the way forward in neutral, but started missing at high speed, then...
  6. D

    Sea King 6HP - model vwb19074b serial 66x14265

    What manufacturer/year would this engine be ? It has a serious lower unit lube leak. I did order a seal kit at How many seals are there and how involved is the job ? Might there be other places/seals I could be losing lube from not included in the kit ? Anything else I...