Search results

  1. B

    New Way of making Money for Divers?

    Have a look at this great new tool. It is fully waterproof up to one atmosphere, and can be powered from a 12 volt battery pack.<br />For divers who have to spend time scraping boat hulls & pilings, this tool will make life a lot easier, and the job faster. We estimate that the tool will reduce...
  2. B

    Information Please?

    This is not meant to be a plug for our new tool, but a serious request for information and comments.<br />I want to hear from sail boat owners who suffer from heavy barnacle infestation. I would like to know what you do about the kinds of fouling you get, where you are moored, and what your...
  3. B

    Information Please?

    This is not meant to be a plug for our new tool, but a serious request for information and comments.<br />I want to hear from boaters who suffer from heavy barnacle infestation. I would like to know what you do about the kinds of fouling you get, where you are moored, and what your views are on...